Rabu, 11 April 2012

gerakan dance

ini cuma contoh gerakan dance saya bersama teman-teman di SMP, saat ada kompetisi se sekolah

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Microsoft Word Keyboard Shortcuts

Document Actions
Action                                                                                                                                                                   Keystroke
1.       Open a document                                                                                                                           CTRL+O
2.       New document                                                                                                                                CTRL+N
3.       Close a document                                                                                                                            CTRL+W
4.       Save As                                                                                                                                                F12
5.       Save                                                                                                                                      CTRL+S / SHIFT+F12
6.       Print Preview                                                                                                                                     CTRL+F2
7.       Print                                                                                                                                                      CTRL+P
8.       Show/Hide paragraph symbols                                                                                                                  CTRL+*
9.       Spelling and grammar                                                                                                                    F7
10.   Help                                                                                                                                                       F1
11.   Find                                                                                                                                                       CTRL+F
12.   Replace                                                                                                                                                CTRL+H
13.   Go To                                                                                                                                                    CTRL+G / F5
14.   Quit/Exit Word                                                                                                                                  ALT+F4
15.   Font Type                                                                                            CTRL+SHIFT+F+Up/down arrow - Enter
16.   Font Size                                                                                              CTRL+SHIFT+P+Up/down arrow - Enter
17.   Bold                                                                                                                       CTRL+B
18.   Italics                                                                                                                     CTRL+I
19.   Underline                                                                                                            CTRL+U
20.   Double underline                                                                                             CTRL+SHIFT+D
21.   Word underline                                                                                                CTRL+SHIFT+W
22.   All caps                                                                                                                 CTRL+SHIFT+A
23.   Small caps                                                                                                           CTRL+SHIFT+K
24.   Change case                                                                                                       SHIFT+F3
25.   Single spacing                                                                                                    CTRL+1
26.   1.5 spacing                                                                                                          CTRL+5
27.   Double spacing                                                                                                 CTRL+2
28.   Subscript                                                                                                             CTRL+=
29.   Superscript                                                                                                         CTRL+SHIFT+=
30.   Hidden text                                                                                                        CTRL+SHIFT+H
31.   Revert to default font                                                                                    CTRL+SHIFT+Z
32.   Decrease point size                                                                                         CTRL+[
33.   Increase point size                                                                                          CTRL+]
34.   Make web hyperlink                                                                                      CTRL+K
35.   Go to next cell                                                                                                   Tab
36.   Go to previous cell                                                                                          SHIFT+Tab
37.   Go to beginning of column                                                                          ALT+PageUp
38.   Highlight to beginning of column                                                               ALT+SHIFT+PageUp
39.   Go to end of column                                                                                      ALT+PageDown
40.   Highlight to end of column                                                                           ALT+SHIFT+PageDown
41.   Go to beginning of row                                                                                                 ALT+Home
42.   Highlight to beginning of row                                                                      ALT+SHIFT+Home
43.   Go to end of row                                                                                             ALT+End
44.   Highlight to end of row                                                                                  ALT+SHIFT+End
45.   Column break                                                                                                    CTRL+SHIFT+Enter
46.   Select all                                                                                                              CTRL+A
47.   Copy                                                                                                                      CTRL+C
48.   Cut                                                                                                                         CTRL+X
49.   Paste                                                                                                                     CTRL+V
50.   Undo                                                                                                                     CTRL+Z
51.   Redo                                                                                                                     CTRL+Y
52.   Left alignment                                                                                                   CTRL+L
53.   Center alignment                                                                                             CTRL+E
54.   Right alignment                                                                                                CTRL+R
55.   Justified                                                                                                               CTRL+J
56.   Indent from left                                                                                               CTRL+M 
57.   Decrease indent from left                                                                            CTRL+SHIFT+M
58.   Hanging indent                                                                                                 CTRL+T
59.   Decrease hanging indent                                                                              CTRL+SHIFT+T
60.   Page break                                                                                                         CTRL+Enter
61.   Promote list item                                                                                             ALT+SHIFT+Left arrow
62.   Demote list item                                                                                              ALT+SHIFT+Right arrow or TAB
63.   Format painter                                                                                                  CTRL+SHIFT+C
64.   Delete previous word                                                                                    CTRL+Backspace
65.   Apply bulleted list                                                                                            CTRL+SHIFT+L
66.   Style                                                                                                                      CTRL+SHIFT+S
67.   Normal style                                                                                                      CTRL+SHIFT+N
68.   Select from cursor to beginning of line                                                   SHIFT+Home
69.   Select from cursor to end of line                                                               SHIFT+End
70.   Go to beginning of line                                                                                                  Home
71.   Go to end of line                                                                                              End
72.   Go to beginning of document                                                                    CTRL+Home
73.   Go to end of document                                                                                CTRL+End
74.   Copyright symbol - ©                                                                                     ALT+CTRL+C
75.   Insert current date                                                                                          ALT+SHIFT+D
76.   Insert current time                                                                                          ALT+SHIFT+T
77.   Go to footnotes                                                                                               ALT+CTRL+F
78.   Show/Hide ¶                                                                                                     CTRL+SHIFT+8
79.   Thesaurus                                                                                                           SHIFT+F7
80.   F1                                                                                                                           Help
81.   Alt+F1                                                                                                                   Next field
82.   Alt+Shift+F1                                                                                                       Previous field
83.   Shift+F1                                                                                                               ‘What is This’ Help
84.   F2                                                                                                           Move text or graphic
85.   Alt+F2                                                                                                   Unassigned
86.   Alt+Shift+F2                                                                                       File Save
87.   Ctrl+F2                                                                                                  File Print Preview
88.   Shift F2                                                                                                 Copy Text
89.   F3                                                                                                           Edit AutoText
90.   Ctrl+F3                                                                                                  Store in Spike
91.   Ctrl+Shift+F3                                                                                      Insert Spike and empty contents
92.   Shift+F3                                                                                               Changes case
93.   F4                                                                                                           Edit Repeat frame
94.   Alt+F4                                                                                                   File Exit
95.   Ctrl+F4                                                                                                  File Close
96.   Shift+F4                                                                                               Repeat a Go To or Find command
97.   F5                                                                                                           Edit Go To
98.   Alt+F5                                                                                                   Previous application window size
99.   Ctrl+F5                                                                                                  Previous document window size
100.                        Ctrl+Shift+F5                                                                      Edit bookmark
101.                        Shift+F5                                                                               Previous position
102.                        F6                                                                                           Next pane
103.                        Ctrl+F6                                                                                  Next window
104.                        Ctrl+Shift+F6                                                                      Previous window
105.                        Shift+F6                                                                               Previous pane
106.                        F7                                                                                           Tools Spelling
107.                        Ctrl+F7                                                                                  Move window
108.                        Ctrl+Shift+F7                                                                      Update link
109.                        Shift+F7                                                                               Tools Thesaurus
110.                        F8                                                                                           Extend selection
111.                        Ctrl+F8                                                                                  Size window
112.                        Ctrl+Shift+F8                                      Select column or display/hide tab and paragraph marks
113.                        Shift+F8                                                                               Shrink selection
114.                        F9                                                                                           Update field
115.                        Alt+Shift+F9                                                                       Go To/Macro button fields
116.                        Ctrl+F9                                                                                  Field characters
117.                        Ctrl+Shift+F9                                                                      Unlink field
118.                        Shift+F9                                                                               Switch field codes or results
119.                        F10                                                                                         Menu bar
120.                        Alt+F10                                                                                 Enlarge Application window
121.                        Ctrl+F10                                                                               Enlarge Document window
122.                        Shift+F10 Cut/Copy/Paste/Font/Paragraph/Bullets and Numbering menu bar
123.                        F11                                                                                         Next field
124.                        Ctrl+F11                                                                               Lock field
125.                        Ctrl+Shift+F11                                                                   Unlock field
126.                        Shift+F11                                                                             Previous field
127.                        F12                                                                                         File Save As
128.                        Ctrl+F12                                                                               File Open
129.                        Ctrl+Shift+F12                                                                   File Print
130.                        Shift+F12                                                                             File Save